The Band Mylène Kroon & Maesters, with Kevin Hemkemeier on the double bass, Michael Rettig on the piano and accordion, Max Klör on drums and Mylène Kroon as singer and composer, fascinates with a unique sound. The mixture of styles and languages, supported by a classically trained voice, lend the music character and it's own warm charm. The English and Dutch texts deal with themes close to the heart of composer Mylène, who, in her light and free manner, questions the world, love and life. With every word she makes her audience feel, that she knows exactly what she is singing about.

Mylène - vocals / music / lyrics
Dutch singer and composer Mylène Kroon finished her Bachelors in Classical Singing before moving to Germany to study a Masters degree specializing in Opera at the Hochschule für Musik Detmold. Having grown up with jazz music, the genre comes very natural to her and her voice. Her songs are unique compositions. Lyric melodies, intense colors and complex but sensual harmonies, that reach straight to the hart.

Kevin - bass
Kevin Hemkemeier, Born 1993 in Bielefeld, is rooted in many genres as a double bass player and electric bassist. Starting out as a cellist, he found his passion for the double bass and currently studies classical double bass with Prof. Stanislau Arnischenko since 2014. He constantly moves between jazz, pop and classical music and plays internationally in various ensembles.

Max - drums
Maximilian Klör played classical percussion for over 10 years before he studied drum set at the Hochschule für Musik Detmold with Christian Schoenefeldt and Oliver Groenewald. He is at home in jazz, pop and electronic music and gained a lot of experience by playing with the Bigband of the HfM Detmold for several years. Besides Mylène Kroon & Maesters he is an active member of the kcr-project.

Michael - piano / accordion
Michael Rettig finished his master's degree in both classical accordion and jazz piano at the Hochschule für Musik Detmold in February 2017. In addition to his studies, he played in several bands, ensembles and projects. On his own initiative to educate himself more broadly, he studied with private teachers in other musical disciplines such as composition, guitar and singing.